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Amazon River (Spanish: Río Amazonas, Portuguese: RioAmazonas) is a river in South America which is the world's secondlongest river - the Nile River in Africa is the longest. Amazon Riverhas the greatest total flow of any river, carrying more than theMississippi River, the Nile, and Yangtze combined. Amazon alsohas the largest peraliran system of the entire river system. Althoughthe longest river Nile, but Amazon may be considered "powerful" (as seen from the amount of water flowing per second).
The amount of freshwater released into the Atlantic Ocean isenormous: 184,000 m³ per second (6.5 million ft ³) in the rainy season. The flow of the Amazon is one-fifth of the total fresh waterentering the sea around the world. The water in the sea near theriver has a low salt levels up to hundreds of miles away.
The main river (usually has a width of one to six miles) can beimpassable for large ocean steamers to Manaus, nearly 800 milesup the river from its mouth. Smaller ships weighing 3,000 tons [1]and 5.5 m (18 ft) draft [2] can reach as far as Iquitos, 3700 km(2,300 miles) from the sea. Small riverboats can reach 780 km (486miles) further up Achual Point. Through from there, only small boatscan go up to Pongo de Manseriche, above Achual Point.
River takes its water from the coordinates of 5 ° N to 20 ° latitude.The most distant sources are found in inter-Andean plateau, a short distance away to the Pacific Ocean, and after a distance of 7200km (4,800 miles) through the interior of Peru and across Brazil, he entered the Atlantic Ocean at the equator.
1. Piranha
Piranhas are omnivorous freshwater fish [1] that live in rivers inSouth America. In Venezuelan rivers they are called caribes. They'refamous for its sharp teeth and meat-eaters. However, despiteHollywood's often publish piranha with a negative, piranhas are notas dangerous, and often cultivated in home and office.
Download Amazon River Predator Very Dangerous
Amazon River (Spanish: Río Amazonas, Portuguese: RioAmazonas) is a river in South America which is the world's secondlongest river - the Nile River in Africa is the longest. Amazon Riverhas the greatest total flow of any river, carrying more than theMississippi River, the Nile, and Yangtze combined. Amazon alsohas the largest peraliran system of the entire river system. Althoughthe longest river Nile, but Amazon may be considered "powerful" (as seen from the amount of water flowing per second).
The amount of freshwater released into the Atlantic Ocean isenormous: 184,000 m³ per second (6.5 million ft ³) in the rainy season. The flow of the Amazon is one-fifth of the total fresh waterentering the sea around the world. The water in the sea near theriver has a low salt levels up to hundreds of miles away.
The main river (usually has a width of one to six miles) can beimpassable for large ocean steamers to Manaus, nearly 800 milesup the river from its mouth. Smaller ships weighing 3,000 tons [1]and 5.5 m (18 ft) draft [2] can reach as far as Iquitos, 3700 km(2,300 miles) from the sea. Small riverboats can reach 780 km (486miles) further up Achual Point. Through from there, only small boatscan go up to Pongo de Manseriche, above Achual Point.
River takes its water from the coordinates of 5 ° N to 20 ° latitude.The most distant sources are found in inter-Andean plateau, a short distance away to the Pacific Ocean, and after a distance of 7200km (4,800 miles) through the interior of Peru and across Brazil, he entered the Atlantic Ocean at the equator.
Predators in the Amazon River
1. Piranha
Piranhas are omnivorous freshwater fish [1] that live in rivers inSouth America. In Venezuelan rivers they are called caribes. They'refamous for its sharp teeth and meat-eaters. However, despiteHollywood's often publish piranha with a negative, piranhas are notas dangerous, and often cultivated in home and office.
2. Pirarucu / Arapaima
Arapaima, pirarucu, or paiche (Arapaima gigas) is the largest freshwater fish species in the world that comes from the tropicalwaters of South America. Arapaima fish can grow up to 3 meterslong and weighs 200 kilograms. There is now very rare arapaimameasuring more than 2 meters because these fish are oftenrounded up to the population consumed or exported to other countries.
Arapaima, pirarucu, or paiche (Arapaima gigas) is the largest freshwater fish species in the world that comes from the tropicalwaters of South America. Arapaima fish can grow up to 3 meterslong and weighs 200 kilograms. There is now very rare arapaimameasuring more than 2 meters because these fish are oftenrounded up to the population consumed or exported to other countries.
3. Amazon Catfish
Amazon is the catfish capital of the world! There is no river system,anywhere in the world, is as rich as the Amazon catfish species. It is estimated that more than 2,800 different species of fish occur in the Amazon. Remarkably, almost half of them are catfish! Siluriformescommand, or catfish, (along with Characiformes) is the sequence of the Amazon's most diverse fish and perhaps the most spectacular.With 15 families, including more than 1200 species, catfish AmazonAmazon not only dominate, but they account for nearly half of allspecies of catfish in the world. Sizes ranging from small, 2cmCandirú into a giant, nearly 3 feet in length Brachyplatystoma, or'piraiba', these fish occupy very diverse ecological niches. Somebottom dwellers, some nights.
Amazon is the catfish capital of the world! There is no river system,anywhere in the world, is as rich as the Amazon catfish species. It is estimated that more than 2,800 different species of fish occur in the Amazon. Remarkably, almost half of them are catfish! Siluriformescommand, or catfish, (along with Characiformes) is the sequence of the Amazon's most diverse fish and perhaps the most spectacular.With 15 families, including more than 1200 species, catfish AmazonAmazon not only dominate, but they account for nearly half of allspecies of catfish in the world. Sizes ranging from small, 2cmCandirú into a giant, nearly 3 feet in length Brachyplatystoma, or'piraiba', these fish occupy very diverse ecological niches. Somebottom dwellers, some nights.
4. Anaconda
Generally when we hear the name of Anaconda, it is more likely tothink of "sadism" giant anaconda who prey on any living creaturethat was filmed in Anaconda: The Hunt for Blood Orchid (1997) orsequels Anaconda 3: The Offspring and anacondas: Trail of Bloodproduced 2008. While Python is widely known by our societybecause of the existence and habitat Python found in many areas of Indonesia. Of course, no fierce snake Anaconda, as shown in the movie above.
Generally when we hear the name of Anaconda, it is more likely tothink of "sadism" giant anaconda who prey on any living creaturethat was filmed in Anaconda: The Hunt for Blood Orchid (1997) orsequels Anaconda 3: The Offspring and anacondas: Trail of Bloodproduced 2008. While Python is widely known by our societybecause of the existence and habitat Python found in many areas of Indonesia. Of course, no fierce snake Anaconda, as shown in the movie above.
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